Overcoming Perfectionism: A Practical Guide

The society we live in often praises the pursuit of perfection. We sometimes tend to be proud of our perfectionism. However, when we obsessively strive for perfection, it can lead to burnout as we try to control every aspect of our lives. Perfectionism is not just a bad habit but can be a deeply...

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How to Stay Valuable in the Workplace

 Are you a valuable employee? More importantly, do the senior staff members view you as a critical team member? Aim higher when you notice that your progress at work has plateaued. You need to go above and beyond the bare minimum and take control of your professional growth to keep your...

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The Power of Setting Healthy Boundaries

It is not always easy to set boundaries. How do you tell a friend you’ve known for years that you no longer want to be addressed in a certain way or do certain things? In the best-case scenario, they take whatever you say with a pinch of salt. Worst-case scenario, they entirely disregard...

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The Importance of Being Genuinely Happy for Others

Are you happy for the people around you? Really happy? Genuinely happy? Even when it is hard? Even when things seem to be going better for them than they are for you?

Lately, I have been in a rut. I have been trying to get a new job, finish up some courses in school, and try to save my...

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How to Prioritize: The Urgent and Important Matrix

What do you do when everything is important and needs your attention? With a mile-long to-do list, deadlines, and projects screaming for prioritization, keeping your head above water has become increasingly difficult.

One of the biggest challenges you will face in your jobs and life is learning...

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10 Qualities of a Good Friend: The Ultimate Friendship Checklist

Are you particular about the people you let into your life? Or have you had bad experiences with friends and are now weary of people? Maybe you are the opposite. You have let everybody in, and now your life is crowded with people you cannot rely on

What wouldn’t I give to have the...

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8 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills: The Last Point Will Shock You

Communication is the cornerstone of human interaction, and it’s the bedrock upon which we build our relationships, whether it’s a romantic relationship, a work partnership, or a relationship with family and friends. 

In fact, over 80% of the problems we have in our relationships,...

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Understanding How We Communicate as Humans

Communication is an integral part of our lives, but many people struggle to form relationships and connections because of a lack of communication skills. This isn't limited to spousal conflicts. What about pitching an idea to an investor? Sharing ideas with your team or managing staff at work?


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How to Make a Good First Impression

You never get a second chance to make a first impression!

You must have heard that said a million times.  The phrase is repeated so often in different scenarios. Perhaps we do know this quote by heart, but we hardly ever remember to take it seriously. 

Let's be practical:

Have you ever...

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What to Do When You Donā€™t Feel Like Doing Anything

We all experience a lack of motivation sometimes, days when we don’t feel like doing anything. Nothing is enough to get you going in full swing. That is okay!

It is perfectly normal to have these fleeting moments where we feel uninspired. This is often a result of stress or dealing with...

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8 Ways to Get Rid of Anxiety and Embrace Peace of Mind

Anxiety is one of the factors that hold us back from achieving our full potential. We often worry about the worst-case scenarios and remain unsure and fearful.

Wouldn't it be great if we could replace our anxious thoughts with peace and assurance? If you are willing to take the leap, read this...

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How to Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude: 7 Things You Should Be Grateful for Every Day

With so much happening in our lives and around the world, it seems asking you to be grateful is asking too much. First, it was Ebola; then, COVID-19; Russia threatened world peace; and there is more. Every day seems to present us with things to fear. However, the Bible in 1 Thessalonians 5:18...

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The Importance of Mentorship: 4 Reasons You Need a Mentor


Have you had problems breaking into a career, field of study or just struggle with life in general? Do you find accessing people within certain spheres of influence difficult or are you having a hard time structuring and communicating your ideas? Then you should read this post!

In today's...

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