What to Do When You Don’t Feel Like Doing Anything

what to do when you don't feel like doing anything

We all experience a lack of motivation sometimes, days when we don’t feel like doing anything. Nothing is enough to get you going in full swing. That is okay!

It is perfectly normal to have these fleeting moments where we feel uninspired. This is often a result of stress or dealing with something you usually wouldn’t have to. 

When we experience these lacklustre moments, we want to push ourselves out. This is not always the solution. This may be a cue that you need some time to rest and recharge, what I like to call ‘lazy days’. These are days when I don’t do anything I don't feel genuinely motivated to. 

So, what do you do when you don’t feel like doing anything? In this post, we’ll be sharing the things you can do when you feel uninspired and unmotivated.

 Is a lack of motivation indicative of mental illnesses? 

Some days, we just don't feel up for the daily grind of life. It's okay to listen to our bodies and minds when they need rest. However, if these episodes occur more frequently or persist for a longer time, it may become problematic. In that case, I suggest reaching out to a professional counsellor, therapist, or life coach.  

7 things to do when you don’t feel like doing anything.

The American Psychological Association says that feeling out of sorts is normal. They recommend that, in such situations, you engage in activities that you find enjoyable. Below are some suggested activities that would turn your day around.


  • Eat and rest.

Eat, rest, and repeat! It works like a charm every time! Sometimes all you need is a nice meal and sound rest. Some people find indulging in some good food the way to go. Some cookie dough ice cream to make you feel better? Or would you prefer chips and dip? Whatever you choose to eat, let it be something you enjoy. Have a restful day. A good night's sleep and an afternoon nap can help your mind and body reset.


  • Go out and have fun.

Going out to get some air and engaging in any physical activity can help make you feel much better. There’s so much you can do with friends or by yourself. Sometimes even mundane things can make a difference. It could be sitting on a park bench, sunbathing at the beach, or letting your hair down at a party. The important thing is to have fun!


  • Take a short trip!

A change in the environment is also an excellent way to get into the rhythm of things. Psychologists have shown through several studies that a difference in your physical environment can impact your mental state positively. Consider taking a short trip out of town, out of state, or out of the country—as far as you can afford.


  • Reach out to friends and family.

Talking with friends and family can brighten your day when you don’t feel like doing anything. Friends and family members can also provide well-intentioned suggestions. They may be the right people you need to sit with, listen to, or make you delicious chicken soup. Make sure you know the right people to call; otherwise, they may become bothersome.


  • Stop overthinking about your job and projects. 

Don’t know what to do when you don’t feel like doing anything? Just roll with it! Stop overthinking about work and any other projects you may have pended. Work is usually a significant source of stress, and we don't want anything to stress you out. You put work on the back burner and relax.


  • Pray

Praying isn’t doing ‘nothing.’ It is doing something that can completely change your day. By communicating with a higher authority, we can clear our minds. Sometimes, we may not have the right words or even know what to pray about but be intentional. Being in the atmosphere of prayer in itself is a great relief. Consider blasting off some worship songs and letting things flow.


  • Treat yourself with kindness.

You have to remember that this happens to everyone. You aren’t the first, and you certainly will not be the last to experience it. Don’t be so hard on yourself. Treat yourself with kindness. This is called self-compassion. Self-compassion doesn’t end with being kind to oneself. You must also understand that you are human and that such experiences are part of your existence. Give yourself the freedom and space to heal and grow from it.

Let’s wrap up.

You are not alone, and what you feel is entirely normal. We encourage you to treat yourself kindly and find what works for you. Also, remember that sometimes life, work, relationships, parenting, etc. give us the time and space to do nothing.

Even when you don’t feel like it, you’ll have to brave the odds and keep things going. It is in such moments that we grow. Whether you choose to roll with it or keep things going, we believe you have all you need to have a perfect day. You got this!

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