The Importance of Mentorship: 4 Reasons You Need a Mentor


Have you had problems breaking into a career, field of study or just struggle with life in general? Do you find accessing people within certain spheres of influence difficult or are you having a hard time structuring and communicating your ideas? Then you should read this post!

In today's dynamic and ever-changing corporate climate, a mentor is an excellent resource for learning the best ways to network and navigate your corporate space. The right mentor can potentially change the course of your life. Without one, you could be lost and confused.  

So what is mentorship, who is a mentor, and what do you stand to gain by having one? We’ll answer all of these questions below.


What is mentorship?

The World Education Services defines mentorship as a “relationship” between two individuals. One with more experience, connections, and knowledge in a particular field can pass along what they have to a junior individual. This is a mentor-mentee relationship. The mentor gains the opportunity to transfer knowledge to the future generation, and the mentee benefits from a push in the right direction.


What is a mentorship program? 

A mentorship program is a systematic and coordinated endeavour that connects experienced persons (mentors) with less experienced individuals (mentees) to give direction, support, and knowledge transfer. The program is attended by a mentor with experience in a specific field and a mentee who wishes to acquire new skills or learn new information from the program sessions. The purpose of these programs is to foster a relationship between mentor and mentee while exchanging skills and expertise.


Who is a mentor?

These short exercises will help better understand who a mentor is and what their role in your life is.

Exercise 1

Let’s conduct a short exercise, shall we? It will only take a few minutes. Close your eyes for a second and visualise your ideal mentor. Who did you see? I guess you pictured a celebrity, a business mogul, or a thriving entrepreneur. It is excellent that you want to peek into the minds of such great and renowned people, but have you ever considered that the mentor you need might be just around the corner? We should be able to break the stereotype of who a mentor can be.

Exercise 2

For learning, let’s have another exercise.  Answer this: have you ever had a mentor? If you are thinking of a mentor in the Elon Musk and Rihanna category, you may have never had one. But, what of your parents, your family members, and those elders in your community and church who taught you how to treat people, how to be punctual and disciplined? 

Short story

"I had never understood having a mentor, and honestly, I didn’t think I needed one. I remember signing up for mentorship programs at school that I never took seriously. What’s more, I was not the only one! Many others like me didn’t understand the concept and didn’t bother to learn.  While exploring, I understood what it meant to have a mentor, which changed how I saw the people around me." 

When we think of mentors, we think of the big guns in academics or careers. Remember that mentors can also be people who guide you on a day-to-day basis in a particular field. So that aunt of yours, with 30 years of marriage under her belt, who gives you advice and counselling now and then, can be considered a mentor.


4 Reasons You Need a Mentor Today!

Mentorship is highly beneficial for both mentors and mentees. It can help in developing a partnership which can lead to gaining new skills, expanding networks and advancing careers. Knowing these advantages can assist in deciding whether to become a mentor or seek out one. Here are 4 reasons why you need a mentor


âś” Mentorship provides knowledge and experience

We gain experience from other people's experiences. Mentorship provides knowledge and expertise since mentors are typically older, more experienced individuals. You can, in turn, apply the lessons you learn from them to your professional and personal lives or academics. This also helps you avoid mistakes and errors that they may have made.


âś” Mentorship helps you improve

Sometimes we may not immediately recognize the areas of our lives that need some tweaking and readjusting. It takes someone outside to identify those areas and bring them to our attention. Over time, mentors acquaint themselves with your strengths and weaknesses and play an essential role in guiding you towards becoming the best version of yourself.


âś” Mentorship Broadens your professional network

Mentors can show you the ropes of the business or career path you are pursuing. They typically have a lot of essential connections and are usually well-liked. Such well-connected mentors can expose you to a new professional network. A good network of people can be an excellent resource for starting and thriving in business and academics.


âś” A source of encouragement and advice

The pursuit of happiness isn’t an easy journey. Take it from Will Smith's character Chris Gardner in the movie. It will get tough and challenging along the way, and it helps to have somebody who can advise and encourage you. They are a robust support system to give you the courage to take the necessary risks to move forward.



Having a mentor can be a game-changer if you choose the right one. Their valuable time and expertise are the most significant things that a mentor can provide you.

Therefore, if you are starting your career or need guidance, it is a great opportunity to take advantage of. Make sure to come prepared to learn from your mentor's experiences.

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