How to Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude: 7 Things You Should Be Grateful for Every Day

why is gratitude important, why is it important to practice gratitude, why is practicing gratitude important, why is gratitude good for you, what can you be grateful for, what are things you can be grateful for

With so much happening in our lives and around the world, it seems asking you to be grateful is asking too much. First, it was Ebola; then, COVID-19; Russia threatened world peace; and there is more. Every day seems to present us with things to fear. However, the Bible in 1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

Wait, did they say all circumstances? Even when the finances for the business aren’t forthcoming and our relationships are on the rocks, we should be grateful. Yes! When the Bible says all circumstances, it means that there is always something to be grateful for, even when it seems as though everything is going wrong. Be assured that everything is working out for your benefit. 

Why is practising gratitude important? The absence of gratitude could bring anxiety, fear, and panic. If you are constantly looking over the things going well in your life just to focus on the bad, then you need to read this post. 

Why is Gratitude Important?

Being grateful is not only to please God; it is for you. There are several proven benefits to being grateful. Why is gratitude important? For one, grateful people are happy people. Researchers at Manchester University revealed that gratitude improves people's sleep quality. When you are grateful, you are less anxious and worried. This allows you to not only be happier but also sleep better. By being happier, you consequently live a higher quality of life. This is reflected in your thoughts, actions, and the way you treat people around you.

What Can You Be Grateful for?

The problem is that we are always waiting for the big things. We want something massive to be grateful for—a million-dollar contract or landing the cover of Vogue. Remember, the Bible says all things, not some things. Let’s learn some things we can be grateful for in our daily lives. 

  • Grateful for life

The number of people who die every day is alarming. COVID taught us to be more grateful, even for the oxygen we breathe. Every day is a gift, and the opportunity to live a healthy life is much more than most people get. This doesn’t mean that you will live free of illness; it means being grateful that you are alive despite the odds.

  • Home/Shelter

Having a home is a luxury. It doesn’t matter how small or big it is. When we think about the homeless with no roof over their heads or Ukrainian refugees forced to leave their homes, the mere fact that you have a place to lay your head at the end of each day is something to be grateful for.

  • Presence of food

I remember coming across a documentary on food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa. I can vividly remember mothers feeding their children mud bricks to stop them from crying and feeling hungry. The statistics of people who die from hunger are devastating. And you might think it’s just a pizza or a milkshake; what’s there to be grateful for? When you remember that someone somewhere has not had the privilege of eating anything in weeks, you’ll learn to be grateful even for the smallest things.

  • Family/friends

Having friends and family members who are there for you and love you is another thing to be grateful for. Many children have grown up in orphanages and are tossed around in foster care; others can’t seem to make the right friends and are often victims of bullying. But you have all of these; be thankful.

  • Victories

Be grateful for every victory, whether big or small, past or present. Your past victories should be an inspiration for the future. And your present victories, no matter how small, should be celebrated. Celebrating your wins makes you happier and more fulfilled as a person.

  • Challenges/ pain

Nobody wants to go through hard times; we try our best to avoid them. Challenges or pain do not translate into a blessing, but they are "a blessing in disguise." Challenges are an opportunity to learn from your mistakes and move forward. They help you grow as a person. Overcoming challenges is a reason to celebrate. Be thankful because some people let the issues of life overcome them, but you came out triumphant.

  • Time

We are always strapped for time. You may wish more time to do all the things you want to accomplish. Do you ever stop and be grateful for a full day? All 24 hours that we have been blessed with? Learn to thank God for the time you spend with your friends, and family, at work, at the beach, etc. Thank God for the time to be lazy and the ability to manage your time.


Remember that gratitude doesn’t end with the big things, the good things, or the flashy things. God wants us to be grateful for all things and in every circumstance. To help on your journey of gratitude, consider journaling and finding at least one thing you want to thank God for. What are you grateful for today?


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