How to Make a Good First Impression

how to make a good first impression

You never get a second chance to make a first impression!

You must have heard that said a million times.  The phrase is repeated so often in different scenarios. Perhaps we do know this quote by heart, but we hardly ever remember to take it seriously. 

Let's be practical:

Have you ever written a person off based on their first impression? What was it about them that threw you off? Now, have you been misrepresented because of the first impression someone has had of you? What about your appearance, presentation, or demeanour gave them a bad impression of you? Do you give as much thought to the impression you give other people the first time, they meet you? 

In this blog post, I’ll share 5 things I did to make sure I gave people the right impression about me. These are tested and trusted methods you can also use. 

Why do first impressions matter?

Humans tend to remember the first thing that happens in a sequence of other events. This is called the primacy effect. If you have a negative interaction with them the first time you meet, chances are they base the rest of your interaction on that first encounter. For example, if you show up for a meeting with a client late, the client will have the impression that you are always late. Therefore, to kick-start any kind of relationship, the first impression you give them counts. 

Short story: 

People have told me that I came off as unapproachable the first time they met me. That is not the impression I wanted to give off. As a coach and aspiring public speaker, I need people to have the liberty to walk up to me and strike up a conversation. I need to be approachable and warm to anyone who may need my help. I had to be intentional about exuding a warm presence the first time a person met me. 

5 things that can help you make the right first impression.

In my quest to improve myself and create a better first impression, I came across these points that I will be sharing with you.

  • Know your audience.

If you have been called to talk to some 6th graders on career day, you would have to keep your high-level executive demeanour out the door even if you speak to them about business. In like manner, you cannot show up for a corporate job interview with quirky glasses and a clown suit. Princeton University psychology and public affairs professor Alexander Todorov suggests that you Google search the people you will be meeting to learn something about them. So, if you are going on a date, we might want to check their Instagram first.


  • Be confident.

There’s a fine line between being humble and being a wallflower. Wallflowers will go unnoticed and unmemorable. We understand that you might feel intimidated by the people you are about to meet, but it is important to exude confidence. Strike a conversation on a subject you are versed in. Check your posture and make sure that your body language is on point. When you enter a room, give your best runway model impression with those confident strides.


  • Respond to questions gracefully.

Making a good first impression can depend on how you respond to questions. There is no need to get defensive. It is ok to politely say that you are not willing to discuss the subject if it is too personal or if you do not have the answer to a question. As much as you can, avoid cursing. it may give people the wrong impression about you. 


  • Be an active listener.

You’ll find that some people enjoy talking about themselves. Pay attention to what another person is saying. Ask insightful questions when a person is speaking. Remember to make eye contact, nod, and don’t cut a person off in the middle of a sentence to show that you are actively participating in the conversation. When it is your turn to speak, allow the listener to respond.


  • Dress appropriately.

Showing up to the beach with a buttoned-up shirt and a sweater vest is out of place. In an office or a corporate environment, that may be okay, but on the beach, it is not. Make sure that you are dressed neatly and for the occasion. If you are in a professional setting, avoid overly short skirts and blouses that may be too revealing. Some interviewers may not take kindly to ripped jeans and a tank top for a person applying for a corporate position, but if you are out with friends, that may be the proper attire.


Let’s wrap up. 

There you go! These factors changed my life and how I interacted with people. I moved from being unapproachable to being considered warm and friendly at first sight. It helped that I greeted everybody with a smile and a firm handshake when needed. 

Sometimes those first impressions may be all we ever have. That fleeting moment could be all you ever have to impress an investor, convince a potential client, or find your soul mate (wink, wink!). First impressions are not all that matters, but they set the tone for further interaction. So, I hope this article helps you work towards making a good impression. 



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