8 Ways to Get Rid of Anxiety and Embrace Peace of Mind

Anxiety is one of the factors that hold us back from achieving our full potential. We often worry about the worst-case scenarios and remain unsure and fearful.

Wouldn't it be great if we could replace our anxious thoughts with peace and assurance? If you are willing to take the leap, read this article to discover eight ways to replace anxiety with peace.  

What is Peace of Mind? 

Peace of mind can be described as mental and spiritual calmness. It is a state of being where you are in sync with your emotions and the world around you. Being at peace is a superpower. It is the intrinsic ability to remain calm in the face of challenges, pain, discord, and stress. Rather than being anxious, we are unshakeable. We choose to stay mentally and emotionally graceful.

The Bible puts it beautifully. It describes peace as a feeling far more than just calmness. The peace we have in Christ is one that passes all understanding” and “it will guard your hearts and minds—Philippians 4:6. Peace of mind is our security. It’s how we stay sane in a world that gives us many reasons to lose our minds.


What are the Benefits of Peace of Mind?

Do you think it is essential to have peace of mind? I’m sure hoping your answer was a resounding yes. Here are some major benefits of peace of mind:

Peace of mind helps you function better as a person. You are less worried about what people think. You can concentrate better on tasks you have been assigned. 

Peace of mind helps you learn to be patient with others. There is a sense of bliss, strength, and incomprehensible happiness that surrounds you. It is an energy you carry, one that is undeterred by circumstances.

How to Get the Peace of Mind Your Craves 

Peace comes from within. By mastering inner peace, you can radiate peace to your world. Here are some things you can do to help you achieve peace of mind. Learn how to get peace of mind here: 


  • Peace of mind doesn’t need peace.

Have you ever gone scuba diving? Have you ever enjoyed an excellent deep-sea documentary? When the tide comes in and hits the shore, there is drama, but if you descend some meters, you will find a peaceful world where creatures are moving at their own pace, utterly unaffected by the action above. 

The issue is that the majority of us essentially reside on the turbulent, chaotic surface of the waves. Each person already possesses this profound sense of calm. There is peace already in you, you need to be able to access it regardless of what is happening around you. You could close your eyes while riding the subway in a crowded place like New York City and enter this calm place.


  • Letting go

Let it go! Whatever it is that is holding you back from being at peace. It would be best if you decluttered your emotions by finding effective ways of regularly clearing out what you are feeling. Cluttered feelings create tension and stress, which doesn’t make for a healthy atmosphere for peace to thrive. What emotion are you holding on to and why? Is it a person? An idea? A memory that does you no good? It may even be a thought! Whatever it may be, consciously deciding to let go brings peace. 


  • Truthfulness

Be truthful, first to yourself and then to others. It is a vital component of achieving peace of mind. Be conscious of how your thoughts and emotions affect you and those around you. Being honest allows you to explore all the emotions that may be holding you back from living a peaceful life.


  • Forgiveness

Forgiveness is for you. By forgiving somebody who offends you, you are doing yourself a favour. True forgiveness comes from within, and it allows you to live peacefully with people who did you wrong. When we forgive, we free ourselves, and we can live a better life.


  • Nurture gratitude for what’s happening (and not happening).

Research on happiness has repeatedly emphasized the psychological advantages of gratitude, and cultivating gratitude is another way to quickly reach that tranquility within. 

Think about the following techniques for cultivating gratitude: Gratitude journals and smiling the moment you get out of bed. Your smile tells your brain that life is good, and you are content. In a stressful or chaotic situation, if you find it challenging to think of something to be thankful for, start by naming what you're glad isn't happening. Suddenly, you'll have something to be grateful for. Often, one small, uplifting thought inspires another.


  • Acceptance

We often stress about things we cannot control, which robs us of our peace. Once you understand that some things are out of your control, peace follows. Life has many twists and turns; once we come to terms with this reality, things will get better. Acceptance is also about coming to terms with our emotions and who we are as individuals.  


  • Imagine your happy place.

The more often you practice this micro-practice, the easier it gets, and the more powerful your visualization, the more powerful it is. It's acceptable if it takes you some time to imagine your preferred happy place.

You may want to imagine pictures of your warm bed under the blankets, the ocean, having fun with your pet, a lake view, moments with a special someone, or maybe your most adored trip. Then, try to honestly picture every detail in your mind's eye, including the tastes, sounds, textures, and touches. Your body will feel like you are there when you access these vivid memories, calming you. 


  • Read the tale you’re narrating to yourself.

Try taking a step back to determine whether what your brain is telling you is true should you see yourself spiraling over a frustration, perceived disappointment, or a panic-inducing thought.

Examining the cause of your anxiety may help it appear less overwhelming. Recognize what is taking place. Give that emotion a name because doing so will help you to become less overstimulated. Even just talking to yourself as you would a close friend can be very therapeutic. 

When you start to feel anxious, and situations try to rob you of your peace, ask yourself these questions:

  • What is causing me to be anxious? 
  • Are these feelings physical? Where in my body am I experiencing them?
  • What wants my attention the most? 
  • What do I believe? 
  • What do I want to listen to right now?

Replace those anxious thoughts with gratitude: 

  • What did I enjoy today?
  •  What am I grateful for today?
  • What am I grateful did not happen? 

Remember to make all of this inquiry done with love, not judgment. 


You have what it takes to be peaceful. To have the peace of God that passes all understanding. That kind of peace is not a myth. It is yours for the taking. It isn't easy to operate at your best without peace. Check out our posts on understanding what you can and cannot control here. That should help you stop stressing about things out of your reach and find peace.

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