You are about to discover your purpose and turn it into a thriving and fulfilling reality.

Unlock the little known secret to living your best life without fear and uncertainty while making profits from it.
Join Purpose to Profits Academy

See results my clients are getting

Ebot Jr.

"Thanks to Achare, I gained full clarity of my Purpose and now I have a clear vision on how to monetize my passion. His insightful guidance and strategic coaching have been transformative for me. With his support, I've developed a concrete plan to turn my passion into a successful venture. I couldn't have done it without him."

I created this program for Ambitious Individuals who..👇🏽

Have Unfulfilled Careers

You have a job but you constantly feel drained, unsatisfied and unfulfilled from it. You know that there's something missing and different for you, but you just haven't figured it out or made progress in the right direction.

Feel Lost and Lack Direction

You've been confused on what to do with your life and it's now bothering you. It makes you feel stressed, and you sometimes struggle with self doubt and low self esteem. This hinders your ability to focus and set goals for your life.

Want to Create an Impact

You like the idea of creating impact and changing the world but you don't know how to even get started. You may even have a passion or business idea and would like to make money from it but you don't know where to start.

If any of that sounds familiar, you're in the right place!

Purpose to Profits Academy will provide you with all the guidance needed for you to lead your life with enough clarity and confidence. Not only will you gain purpose, but you’ll be able to make it profitable and build a life of abundance.

By the end of this program, you will have:


Full Clarity about your purpose and will feel connected with knowing what to do moving forward in your life.


A deep sense of Confidence and Self worth, knowing that you have the power to create the life you desire.


Joy and fulfilment as you’ll have an action plan to align your career and work life with your purpose.


Enhanced Well-being: Experience a better overall well-being by living with purpose, which results in improved mental, emotional, and physical health.


Financial Benefits: Understand and explore the different ways you can make your purpose profitable. Make money while doing what you love.


Impact: A clear understanding of the Impact you want to Create by knowing exactly who you are called to serve and how to serve them.

Letty Grace

"Thanks to Achare, I've gained the confidence to overcome my fears and secure my dream job. Achare's personal development and career coaching gave me a new perspective. It has been invaluable on my journey to success. Highly recommended."


If we haven't meet yet, I'm Ebai Achare. A personal coach,  obsessed with helping people like you  find their purpose, reach their full potential and achieve their goals.

The only thing i would love to do is to serve you in the best possible way.

Explore The Purpose to Profits Academy and see you in our Power Session (Free discovery call).

Work With Me


"Live your Deserved Life"

Find your purpose and turn it into profit with ease! Dive into our condensed program, where we'll guide you in creating your vision and executing your life success fulfillment plan.

  • Free Intensive Introductory call
  • 12 Private One-on-One Coaching Sessions
  • Unlimited Text and Email Support
  • Access to Custom made Trainings and Resources
  • Exclusive bonuses and all future updates
Get Started with your FREE call

Don't Think too much: It's Risk Free

I've poured my heart into Purpose to Profits Academy because i am committed to help you uncover your purpose and live the life you truly deserve while making it profitable.

Book a free discovery session today and if you're not convinced during our intensive session, there's absolutely no obligation to sign up.

Your satisfaction is my priority, and I want to ensure this program is the perfect fit for you before you commit.

I was also lost and clueless 

You see, I never always had everything figured out.

While growing up, an ideal successful life for me was just to go to school, study hard,pursue a career and get a jobout of it. Does that sound familiar?

This limiting mindset changed few years after i had commitited my life to personal development. At this point in time, i was already convinced that getting better as a person is the way to go in changing ones life. The major breakthrough i had was the opportunity to travel to Canada.

While in Canada,  I was an international student. But i didn't feel tconnected with what i was studying. I got into the program not by choice but by coincidence. So I was always asking myself how my life will turn out. Added to the personal development trainings i was taking, this lead me to start finding my purpose.

I searched all over the internet and i  couldn'tfind tangible and direct for helping people  find purpose. This made mesad and frustrated. But i never gave up.

Overtime, i  miraculousy figured it out and i feel very empowered  to introduce to you "Purpose to Profits Academy"

Purpose to Profits Academy will help you gain:



As you already know, "Direction is more important than speed". This program will help you navigate towards the right direction you need at this current stage in your life. You  will be free from doubt, and always confident in who you are and where you are heading to.

Focus and Motivation

You can easily be motivated and focused on the things that makes your heart sing. You won't act because you are forced to, you will  act  because that's what you want to do. The sweetest thing here is, it is something you love to do. That's you living in your purpose.


Thriving in finances is craved by many, but only few get it right. Your purpose can also be monetized and become a source of income. Building a lucrative career and or starting a profitable business around your purpose could be one of the most fufilling things you could ever think of.  "Purpose to Profits  Academy" is here for you. 

Program Breakdown


Phase1: Find Your Purpose

The first phase of this program is to gain full clarity of your purpose. We shall explore deeper aspects of knowing who you, what you want, and how your experiences play a role in finding your purpose.


Phase 2: Make it profitable

Here, we  will  establish different mediums in which your found purpose can be expressed in order to make profits. This will mainly involve either building a lucrative career or starting a profitable business.


Added to all coaching sessions includes;

Exclusive Bonuses and Updates: This include having access to trainings, added resources, discounts on other programs,  and continuous updates of the program.

Imagine Yourself;

🚀 Living the dream life you envision for yourself.

💼 Having your dream job and you feel fulfilled after  every day's work.

🎯 Becoming bold and confident as you achieve all of your goals.

🌐 Making impact by serving yourself, and your community  through your purpose.

💵 Making money doing what you love.

🏆 Becoming the best version you could only dream of.

💎 Having just the right people you need in your life and circle.

💡 All of these are not just dreams, but possibilities of what happens when you live with purpose.

My journey to purpose wasn't exciting or smooth, but i know yours can be more fun, direct and enjoyable when we work together.

Can't wait to have you on the discovery call.

Work With Me


"Live your Deserved Life"

Find your purpose and turn it into profit with ease! Dive into our condensed program, where we'll guide you in creating your vision and executing your life success fulfillment plan.

  • Free Intensive Introductory call
  • 12 Private One-on-One Coaching Sessions
  • Unlimited Text and Email Support
  • Access to Custom made Trainings and Resources
  • Exclusive bonuses and all future updates
Get Started with your FREE call
Still unsure? Here are some answers to common questions. 

Frequently Asked Questions

If your questions aren't listed below, feel free to email us at [email protected]


Q: What exactly is the Purpose to Profits Academy?

Purpose to Profits Academy is a transformative program designed to help you uncover your life's purpose and turn it into a profitable venture.

Q: Is the program tailored to individuals with specific goals or backgrounds?

Whether you're a working class professional, student, a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out in life, this program is tailored for you. For individuals from all backgrounds.

Q: Who this program is not right for?

This program is not for you  if you are not willing to put in the efforts required to find your purpose. Finding your purpose is a journey and it is not a rushed process. Patience and resilience will be requiredfrom your part.

Q: What methods or techniques are used in the program to help me find my purpose?

Through a combination of coaching techniques, exercises, tools and resources, we'll support you in finding clarity and direction in your purpose. Coach Achare is a professionally trained Life Coach.

Q: What kind of support or guidance can I expect throughout the program?

You'll receive personalized support and guidance through text or email throughout your journey in the program.

Q: Are there any prerequisites or requirements to join the program?

There are no specific prerequisites to join the program—just a willingness to explore, grow and find your purpose.

Q: How long does the program last, and what is the time commitment?

The program is very flexible, as it is a mixture of 1:1 sessions, trainings, workshops. This can be discussed more in your free call.

Q: Can I expect tangible results by the end of the program?

By the end of the program, you can expect to have a clear understanding of your purpose and tangible steps to turn it into profit.

Q: Is there any flexibility in the program to accommodate my personal schedule or needs?

We offer flexibility to accommodate your schedule and individual needs during the program.

Transform Your Life

Don’t let another day go by feeling lost, stuck, or unfulfilled. Join Purpose to Profits Academy today and take the first step towards creating a life of purpose, passion, and prosperity. Your future is waiting – are you ready to seize it?

Join Purpose to Profits Academy