Is there a perfect morning routine?


The perfect morning routine sets you up for the rest of the day. This means if you start your day badly, you are more likely to maintain that energy. Start your day well and you are more likely to get more done. The most successful people in the world like, Oprah and Jeff Bezos have morning routines they swear by. These rituals help prepare them mentally for the day and boost their overall productivity. Read this post to learn how to create the perfect morning routine. 

What is a morning routine? 

The anatomy of a perfect morning routine may vary by culture. In countries such as India, where most people live in large family settings, it is common for morning routines to include breakfast and several other group activities. In London, everybody is always in a rush. They typically skip breakfast and get going, while New Yorkers usually get some Starbucks to kickstart their day. The perfect morning routine should include physical exercise and a light, nutritious breakfast to give you a boost of energy. 

Benefits of a Morning Routine

Scientists say that people with a good morning routine have more productive days and successful lives. There is no denying that there is much to gain from having a morning routine. Let’s look at some of those advantages.

  • Having a morning routine makes adopting healthy habits much more effortless.
  • Most people say that they feel more in control of their schedule when following a morning routine.
  • Scientists who conducted a study with Harvard students say that 66% felt more productive and had a deep sense of completion and self-efficacy thanks to their morning routines.
  • It allows you to prioritize your time.
  • Morning routines reinforce a sense of control and the ability to navigate the tasks ahead.
  • A morning routine allows you to anticipate what the day will bring and better manage unforeseen circumstances.

The morning routines of successful people

A good morning routine is generally associated with productivity and success. Some of the world’s most successful people swear by its efficacy. Here are the morning routines of two of the most successful people in the world, Jeff Bezos and Oprah Winfrey. 

  • Jeff Bezos

Jeff Bezos is an early riser; he sleeps early and wakes up early. According to him, he starts his day at about 6:30 a.m. Bezos doesn’t immediately get to work. Instead, he walks around his home, brews his coffee, and reads a newspaper while waiting for his children to wake up. The multimillionaire then makes them breakfast and even does the dishes. He drives to work around 10 a.m. every morning and tackles top-priority projects and paperwork between 10 a.m. and midday. According to Bezos, he finds that he is more productive and feels more in control when he sticks to this routine.

  • Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Winfrey seems to have built a healthy practice thanks to her morning routines, including meditation and connecting with nature. In an interview with a Hollywood reporter in 2017, she revealed that she is an early riser but doesn’t use an alarm. She brushes her teeth, takes the dogs out for a run, and comes home to light a few scented candles and have a moment of meditation.

How to Create the Perfect Morning Routine

What is common between Oprah's and Bezos’s routines? They both wake up early and don’t get to work until they get out of bed. That may be easy if you are a media mogul or a multi-millionaire. For a minimum-wage employee, you may need to get to work as soon as the sun is up. Thus, the anatomy of a perfect morning routine is often subjective. Regardless of this fact, you too can learn how to have a perfect morning routine that works for you. Here are things to consider:

  • Avoid your phone. 

Try to avoid your phone and scrolling through social media as soon as you wake up. Instead, give yourself time to sit with your thoughts. You may lay in bed for a couple of minutes to allow your mind and body to fully awaken without overstimulating your senses. 

  • Prayer and Affrications 

Consider taking a few minutes off to pray or say positive affirmations to yourself. This is a good way to mentally prepare yourself for your day. You may also include medication with aromatics like candles or incents. 

  • Physical exercise 

Include some form of exercise in your routine. Try stretching, yoga, or a quick run. If you cannot fit any of these into your schedule, then wait until you get the chance. You may also choose to take the stairs instead of the elevator. 

  • Have a nutritious breakfast.

If you don’t have time to sit for breakfast, make sure to grab a bite within an hour of waking up. We recommend having a light and nutritious meal that gives you the energy boost you need to sustain you until lunchtime. Add some fruits and vegetables to your diet and keep healthy snacks within reach. 



In conclusion, is there a perfect morning routine? No! But you can find the perfect morning routine for you. What works for Bezos and Winfrey may not be the right fit for you. All you have to do is find what works for you and design a routine based on your needs. The perfect morning routine can completely change the course of your day and your life. 

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