Slow Progress Is Still Progress


“You are not moving fast enough! Everybody you started with is ten paces ahead!” These are some of the things you tell yourself, but it is time to stop! The progress you have been making, no matter how small it may appear, truly matters. The results may be unseen, but that doesn’t mean that the people around you don’t see and acknowledge your growth. Sometimes progress resembles our cover photo - with big wins, small wins and losses in between but as you progress, you will bloom with strength and wisdom flowing from the crown of your head to your feet’s soles. Your existence is a constant reminder of what it means to make the most of your life.

In this blog post, we'll discuss this quote, “Slow Progress Is Still Progress” by Megan Auman and learn how it applies more deeply to your life. 

“Do not be afraid of moving slowly, be afraid of standing still” – Chinese proverb

Why are we telling you all these things? Sometimes we feel we are not moving at the pace we would like. It’s hard to crawl when all you want to do is sprint. But slow progress isn’t a failure; you are still making progress. It may not be as fast as everybody else’s; what is essential is that you are not standing still.


Reasons Why Slow Progress Is Still Progress

Obama once said, “If you’re walking down the right path, and if you’re willing to keep walking, then eventually you’ll make progress.”

He didn’t say if you are walking fast, then you’ll make progress. It doesn’t matter how fast you are going. What’s important is whether you are on the right path or not. Think back to the story of the tortoise and the hare. The hare was fast but made the mistake of stopping for a nap. It was the tortoise’s continuous effort to keep moving (slowly) and not stopping that made him win the race. Here are some reasons why making slow progress is better than making no progress at all:


Slow progress isn’t a failure

You are not failing because your progress is slow. Get that out of your head. Failure is giving up and not making any effort to move forward. Once you stop trying, you achieve nothing! Slow progress, however, is like a glass half full vs. an empty glass. There is still much to achieve. Unless you fall flat and surrender, some fighting is still left to do.

Keep going!


Slow progress adds up

Rome wasn’t built in a day. It is one brick at a time over an incredible amount of time. Imagine trying to publish your first book, which will be a bestseller. No matter how prolific of a writer you are, it is impossible to write an entire novel in a day. It takes days, weeks, and months to complete the project. You may even be writing a paragraph a day. That may not seem like enough, but together, those paragraphs add up to a book.

Slow progress accumulates experiences, achievements, and victories that all contribute to the bigger picture. It is normal to feel frustrated and downcast but what’s important is that you keep moving.


Slow progress teaches you to try out new things

Instead of forcing your way through the fast lane, ‘practice the pause.’ Slow progress helps you learn at every step of your journey and adapt better to new circumstances. It allows you to carefully consider your ideals and values and ensure you honor them. This allows you to be multifunctional and more proficient in everything you do.


Slow progress makes you learn not to give up

Another critical point is that slow progress makes you strong and resilient. As you keep working tirelessly towards your goals, strength builds up inside of you. By being resilient and patient, you can achieve anything. The tortoise won the race because he refused to give up. Even as he stood against an opponent faster than him, he kept running and didn’t stop. So don’t give up, and you will reach your desired goal.



You are the tortoise; wise, strong, and resilient. It doesn’t matter how fast everybody else is going; every step you take matters. Your small victories, achievements, and milestones all culminate in your success. Even if the world doesn’t see it, we see it and are proud of your every move. Blessings!


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