How to Find Your Strengths and Weaknesses: 5 Practical Tips

Identifying your strengths and weaknesses has several benefits to your overall success. It allows you to focus on what you are naturally good at while improving the areas where you are lacking. 

If you are still unsure about why identifying your strengths and weaknesses is important then you can learn more by watching the previous video here!

In this video, Achare shares practical ways to find your strengths and weaknesses. You will learn  the simple SEARCH formula: 

  • Self-reflect
  • Explore 
  • Assess 
  • Research 
  • Harness your abilities  

You can't become the best version of yourself if you don't capitalize on your strengths and manage your weaknesses effectively.

I'm confident the strategies shared in this video will push you forward in identifying your strengths and weaknesses.

Download the Guide below to know the role your strength and weaknesses play in your life's purpose.

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