Affirmations: How to get them to work for you!

Did you know that incorporating affirmations into their daily routine can significantly improve your self-esteem and enable you to create a life you value?

According to psychologist Lauren Alexander, Ph.D., regular affirmations can bolster your confidence in yourself and your abilities, enabling you to approach the world with a positive outlook. Affirmations are among the easiest and most favored methods for self-improvement. On the path to self-awareness, the use of affirmations is almost inevitable; they signify the start of a transformative journey.

You're likely here because you're wondering if affirmations are effective, despite the fact that many people endorse them and numerous scientific studies back them up. The answer isn't simply yes or no, as is often the case with neurological matters.

In this article, we will explore what affirmations are, how positive affirmations work, and provide some examples of positive affirmations.


What are affirmations? 

Affirmations are short, declarative words with a positive tone uttered aloud or quietly. They are meant to introduce new ideas to the subconscious. Affirmations are intended to dislodge obstructions and eliminate disturbances and impeding thought structures to establish fresh, empowering, and uplifting thought patterns.

Positive words intended to counteract harmful thoughts are, in essence, what positive affirmations are. Although these positive phrases about yourself may make you joyful and give you a sense of victory instantly, the actual advantages of positive affirmations are far more profound.


What affirmations are not

Affirmations don't work like magic, even when the outcomes seem instantaneous and excellent. You can use them confidently, knowing they are science- and evidence-based. Your brain is a potent tool, and all you are doing is feeding it relevant data so that it can use it to forge solid and empowering connections. Affirmations should be a part of your entire mental health toolkit and may be utilized to support other healthy psychological activities like personalized counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy.


What are affirmations according to science? 

Positive affirmations directly affect our brains, even though the concept of neuroscience may seem immensely difficult.

A positive affirmation activates our brain's reward regions, causing future-based reward orientations, according to one study's analysis of MRI scans. This study also discovered that individuals who received affirmation (in contrast to those who did not) were more likely to alter their sedentary behavior, and it underlined the fact that essential brain pathways were enhanced along with effective positive affirmation.

A broader perspective of oneself is the result of positive affirmations, which weakens the consequences of a danger to one's integrity, such as negative thoughts, according to another research. They continue by stating that studies have demonstrated the benefits of using positive affirmations to enhance relationships, health, and educational outcomes.


How do positive affirmations work?

Affirmations enable you to look into the mirror with affection. They allow you to acknowledge what exists and discover what has been concealed. With consistent repetition, you can condition your subconscious to accept a new, healthier self. Positive affirmations are instrumental in supplanting old beliefs and mindsets with more positive ones by conveying the correct messages to our subconscious, fostering behavioral change. The brain is incapable of differentiating between perceived reality and mere thoughts; it cannot tell fantasy from reality. Harness this understanding to shape your external reality from within.


How to get the most out of affirmations 

Here are three tips to help you get the best out of positive affirmation in 2023


  • Practice being positive

The same as everything else, affirmations need effort. If you're not accustomed to speaking to them out and don't do so frequently, they generally won't matter much when you need them. We must deliberately cultivate positive thoughts to begin to reduce the space for negative ones. The psychological principle known as "survival of the busiest" states that the concepts we ponder the most are the ones that stick in our minds. So, resisting our natural way of thinking takes work.


  • Put your skepticism on hold

It would be wonderful if repeating an affirmation a few times caused the world around you to alter magically. But keep in mind that affirmations serve to stimulate you and strengthen your views. She won't act on your behalf.

Let's face it, it might seem strange to look in the mirror and compliment oneself but try to fight the urge to quit. It is unrealistic to expect to switch from a negative to a positive frame of mind overnight if you usually are a negative thinker. Give it some time to settle in and feel natural. Be patient. For your affirmations to be effective, you must employ them often and purposefully. Creating new behaviors is difficult. Be very consistent to avoid losing attention from ineffectiveness.


  • Say them aloud or to yourself

You can repeat your positive affirmations out loud or silently in your head, although the former is usually the best method to begin. Sometimes speaking things out loud has a more significant impact than just thinking about them. If you find that the statement no longer seems correct after a certain amount of time has passed or that it just doesn't flow like the others do, renew or remove your affirmation. Have faith that your affirmation training is going well. The finest compass is one that you feel!


Examples of positive affirmations 

What are some examples of positive affirmations? There are several affirmations you can use depending on the situations you find yourself. It is up to you to decide which ones connect with you and would benefit you the most. Here are some examples of positive affirmations: 

  1. I love myself just as I am.
  2. I am worthy of all the good in life.
  3. I accept myself completely.
  4. I am worthy of love, respect, and happiness.
  5. I approve of myself.
  6. My body is strong and healthy.
  7. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.
  8. I am surrounded by people who support and love me.
  9. I trust myself and my decisions.
  10. I am happy with who I am becoming.
  11. I am grateful for what I have.
  12. I choose to be happy and positive.
  13. I am open to love and ready for a great relationship.
  14. I am confident and deserving of love.
  15. I radiate love and attract it into my life.


Let's wrap up 

Positive self-talk may help you continue and maintain your self-belief during a trying period, but if you can't get rid of lingering doubts and poor self-esteem, perhaps it's time to consult with a mental health expert who can teach you coping skills. Thank you for reading through to the end. We know it was a long read, but you needed the information just as much as we needed to share it. 

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